Friday 12 December 2014

It’s Okay To Be Broken

It’s okay to feel broken. You shouldn't be ashamed of being broken.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Developing this condition when I was 18 was defiantly not on my wish list for life, but you can’t go around sulking and pushing people away when it happens. It’s fine to cry and to mourn over your past life, and take a few days just thinking and just being. It’s okay not to be okay just as long as you’re going to be all right in the end.

I know it sounds rather corny and perhaps over emotional, but you can’t go around wasting time focusing on feelings that bring you down.

Ok, you can, but are you going to get anywhere in life if you do? NO

You are a human being; you are amazing, and are capable of more then you think.

If you fall down, stand back up. 
You can be down but not out.
A battle lost perhaps, but not the war.

It’s fine to be broken, it's fine to be down, but you have to pick yourself up and put yourself back together. You have to let the experience make you better, wiser and stronger. If you need help, ask for it. A friend, family member or even professional help. There is no shame in putting your hand up and saying 'Hey, I could use a hand over here'. You can't wait for someone of something to come along and magically fix everything. Only you can save yourself from your personal demons.

It’s okay to cry, but remember to face the next day with a bright, new smile. 


Look forward to a new day.

Piece yourself back together.

Love yourself for who you are and all your perfect imperfections.

Be yourself

And, one day, you’re going to wake up.

Your going to wake up and you will be better, wiser and  stronger. 

Then, you will realize you actually are okay